
6 common mistakes to avoid when travelling in London, UK

Whether it’s your first or 12th visit to London, whether you’re going on a trip or a business trip, this place will always bring you new surprises.

However, to get the most out of your trip to the British capital, you need to understand and eliminate the following common mistakes in order to have the most complete trip.

6 common mistakes tourists make when travelling in London

Taking the tube everywhere

The Tube system is the backbone of London. Without it, the city would surely be crippled. Even so, don’t go overboard for the sake of convenience. Walking between London destinations is not only feasible, but sometimes faster and certainly prettier.

For example, one of the most popular travel routes in London is from Leicester Square to Covent Garden. They are only about 300 metres apart. So, instead of wasting time walking on the dark tube lines, you can walk on your own. This way you will have the chance to see the rhythm of London and maybe not find something interesting.

Some other means of transport in London you could call.

Santander bikes: this is a cheap bike rental system: $2.50 for 30 minutes. Especially as you can hire them whenever you want. In recent years, the London government has also invested heavily in cycle paths. All this is to ensure the safest possible journey for riders.

Riverbus: This is a tourist ferry that runs on the river. It is a little more expensive than taking the tube. However, this form of transport will give you the opportunity to see the beautiful Thames.

Taking the tube “the wrong way”

For first-time visitors, a trip to London is inevitable. Whether you are a tourist or a local, there are “unwritten rules” that you must follow when travelling on the Tube in London. If you don’t obey them, you’ll have to face their gaze. Behind the murderous intent, other passengers make snide comments.

Therefore, please remember the following.

Wait for passengers to finish before you start boarding.

2. When using the escalator, stand on the right edge and remember to take a step to the left when going up or down.

3. Do not obstruct the ticketing area. If you encounter any problems at this stage, seek the assistance of the staff there as soon as possible.

4. Watch where you stand. Don’t be casual in the middle of the train carriage, right at the entrance.

5. Be aware of the people around you. Be willing to give up your seat for the elderly, pregnant women or children.

6. Don’t carry a rucksack on your back. Carrying your rucksack by hand will help you avoid collisions with people around you.

7. Minimise transfers from the airport to the city during rush hour.

Drink coffee at chain restaurants

You may need coffee after a long flight, or to get rid of fatigue after a long journey. This is understandable. However, even so, it’s best to avoid the big coffee chains like Starbucks, Costa and Pratt’s. Make an effort to explore and you’ll find small cafes, but the quality is impeccable!

Eating in the wrong places

There is a false prejudice when travelling to London that the food here is anything but. However, the ‘bad reputation’ can come from a large chain restaurant in central London.

For a more authentic London experience, get out of the city centre and into areas such as Angel/Islington, Bermondsey and Broadway Market.

Better yet, research carefully where to eat before you go to London. If you still insist on ‘sticking’ in the Midlands, you could look at the following restaurants.

Flat Iron: Enjoy a good steak at an affordable price. Unfortunately, this restaurant does not take reservations. So try to come early.

Spanish cuisine restaurant with tables on the pavement.

Duck and Waffle: serves British and European dishes. If you don’t want to meet all the seats, you should book in advance.

Hutong in the Shard Building: a contemporary Chinese restaurant located in one of the largest skyscrapers in the city. From here you can enjoy magical sunsets.

Spend a lot of money for a beautiful view

If you go on a cheap trip to London, don’t worry that you won’t be able to afford to go to places with amazing views, such as the Shard Building or the London Eye Ferris wheel.

Check out equally impressive cheap attractions such as the Sky Gardens or the Tate Modern.

Not following the queue rules

The British are proud to be a people, a gentle and considerate people. The aforementioned virtues are clearly demonstrated in the queuing culture here. In London, people queue at all times and in all places. From waiting for a bus ride, to attractions, or to famous restaurants no reservations are accepted. Refusing to queue is unacceptable because travelling to London is a mistake and you shouldn’t do it.


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