
My trip to England, Darcy Manor

Chatsworth Manor, where the 2005 film version of Pride and Prejudice was set, is therefore also known as Darcy Manor.

We now visit other people’s estates, the equivalent of observing a way of life, a way of life that is out of reach.

In the Downton Abbey TV series, the estate is in financial difficulty because of the war and decides to open up Downton Abbey, which can be visited by paying sixpence for a ticket. Mary and his parents, his grandmother, thought it was so strange how anyone would want to pay to visit someone else’s house and see how they lived. Haha, that’s what we’re doing at the moment, flying all the way over to visit someone else’s life.

If we had this large piece of land at home, most of it would be for building houses, building rides, opening up tourism projects and creating as much wealth as possible. The English estate, a large area of land, apart from a few buildings, is mostly a vast expanse of green. They did not bother to change the structure of the estate, but mainly to repair and maintain it, keeping the old aristocratic way of life. Aristocrats are not raised in a day, and these estates, hundreds of years old, are indeed incomparably valuable spiritual treasures.

Darcy Manor, set in rolling greenery, is full of green, translucent green, not even a little dust on the leaves, which is not a little better than the air quality at home. Imagine the former foggy capital of London, our great motherland, and the air quality will be greatly improved.

Every angle is a painting, taken at random, all processed by Meitu Xiuxiu. We saw fairy-tale like castles from afar. It is strange to think of fairy tales and think of castles in Europe, to the point where a castle, a tiered princess dress, is what a fairy tale looks like. What is the Chinese fairy tale? Apart from the Monkey King, the Pig, it’s Nezha, and Hsiao-tsing, hahaha.

Darcy Manor was supposed to be the fairy tale look, Darcy was a nobleman who married a woman from an ordinary family.

We purchased tickets to enter the manor and saw many more paintings, books, artefacts, carvings, porcelain etc. I stood in front of a floor-to-ceiling bookcase and looked out of the window at the brilliant sunlight, the white statues, the neatly manicured, sweeping lawns. I imagined the owner, dressed in very fine clothes, sitting quietly reading here, all quiet and only books.

The manor house was built in 1552 and covers 1000 acres of land. To maintain such an estate, money was not a small amount. England, after the First World War, many noblemen fell, prices soared, can not afford to continue to maintain the huge expenses of the estate, such as Downton Abbey, after several sinks, gradually began to lay off staff, can not support the pre-war three times the wages of servants. The war also caused many investments to fail, and it is the resilience and dedication of countless people that has enabled Darcy Hall to remain as large as it is today, hundreds of years later.

It took the 11th Duke and Duchess of Darcy Hall 24 years to pay off the inheritance tax. Nowadays, most of them build up a fund to open up part of the estate and raise the circle with the garden.

The women were particularly fond of buying, and when we got to the buying area, the three of us women, we started shopping again. I loved the scarves on the estate, which were inexpensive, wool, at over £20. One of them, which I wore throughout the trip. The estate is particularly full of small items perfect for accompanying gifts, such is the country’s creative industries. I was worried about buying something that was made by obligation, but there was nothing I could do about it, it was made by obligation, it was already all over the world and the quality was very good.

I loved the estate and when we were there, it happened to be a weekend and many families came over with their children to play. The ice cream at the door, a long queue, we also went to join in the fun, but English is not enough ah, so we first look at others, that buy more people, ha ha, buy ice cream, with hand gestures can be done, the usual this this . The ice cream is £1 each, and the ice cream is on the house of Sister Liu.


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