
Back from Italy and talking about travel

The 12 days in Italy came to an end very quickly and this time it felt like the whole trip was much shorter, although in reality it was only 2-3 days less, but it didn’t seem to be as enjoyable as it could have been. This could be related to the fact that this trip was scheduled in the heat of summer, as the heat made people not want to stay outside much longer. However, last year’s trip to Iran was also extremely tough, yet I felt that there were many rewards. It seems that the travel experience really does depend on many factors; companions, destinations, guides, weather, accommodation and the scheduling of the trip to name a few.

I’ve been to quite a few countries in my time, about 30 or so, some of which I’ve visited on business and some of which I’ve visited as a tourist.

Choosing the right weather for your trip

In the past, travel arrangements have generally been made in June, avoiding the summer travel rush, airfares are still low, the weather hasn’t gotten hot yet and crowds are low, making it a better season to travel, but not for families with children. Single, butch families, or families with grown-up children can consider travelling during the non-summer season. If the weather is extreme, particularly cold or hot, or if the UV rays are particularly strong, it is important to protect yourself from the cold and heat. The following tips are shared.

In the hot summer months, physical shade is more effective than sunscreen, so bring a straw hat, umbrella, sunscreen, sunglasses and sun gloves or sleeves.

Itinerary and accommodation with a balance of experience and price

One strong feeling on returning from Italy is that the punchline tour is no longer satisfying the heart, what about seeing all the churches and visiting all the cities? It is the immersive, experiential tour that counts. There is no harm in not going to Naples or Pisa. But perhaps without Naples, the difference between north and south Italy would not be felt as strongly. Florence, Venice and Milan could all do with an extra day, even if there’s nothing planned and you have nothing to do but wander around the city.

Hotel arrangements are very important, and once again, it is important to arrange hotels in the centre of the city, within walking distance of the city’s neighbourhoods, restaurants and so on. On this trip, the hotels in Naples, Venice and Pisa were fine, but the hotels in Rome, Florence and Milan were more average, especially the ones in Rome and Milan.

Don’t miss the local food

Going to an unfamiliar place can be incredibly challenging in terms of what to eat and what to drink. Ordering food is an adventure and despite communication in English, the dish that may come up is still very different from what you were expecting and the whole mood is ruined, a guide who knows your taste buds makes the experience that much more enjoyable. For example, go to a speciality restaurant for afternoon tea and speciality dishes, try the flavours and taste the local wines and drinks.

I highly recommend the pizza in Naples, the pasta with squid sauce in Venice, the T-bone steak in Florence and the Spritz cocktails throughout the trip, but the seafood tartare in the Five Fishermen’s Village was very mediocre for me and the tiramisu in Siena was a little too sweet, but the overall standard of Italian cheesecake was very high.

Dress and photos to make memories

Dress is very important for photos, and it is often difficult to combine function and aesthetics. I always have a headache when it comes to dress code. When I see my friends’ eye-catching outfits, I am envious of them. But with everything, it takes time and effort.

From my very limited experience so far, dressing is firstly about colour, then style, and then about matching the scene.

For example, in the highlands, where the UV rays are strong, if you wear dark colours, the photos will come out very dark, so you need to choose bright colours. If you are in a lavender field, you should wear light colours and monochrome clothing, otherwise it will be difficult to harmonise with the purple flowers. If you are in a romantic European town, hiking clothes may be out of place. However, if you are hiking or climbing, a thin, fairy-like dress is not appropriate.

The only thing that looks good is the one that fits. Whatever you wear, you’ll look your best with confidence.


When I travel abroad, I find that there are fewer and fewer things to buy, because they are all available at home and of good quality. When you buy first-tier brands from abroad, you face taxation through customs checks and everyone is more cautious.

If you want to buy, you can’t go wrong with locally made specialities. For example, unique and designer jewellery (earrings, necklaces, etc.), local crafts (such as glassware in Venice), fabrics (such as tablecloths with local design and fine printing), I also buy different bookmarks, and of course, food such as chocolate. But everyone has different preferences and focuses on different things.


The company you have on your trip is very important, as it directly determines the experience and feel of the trip. If your companion is easily upset, uninterested in anything, or fussy, you will bring this negative energy to the others.

A like-minded companion is arguably the most important element of a tour to ensure a good experience.

Guided tours

On this trip we had a driver and guide, and it was very hard for the guide to do both jobs, but it was also about cost control. If you can, it is better to choose a full-time guide for the tour so that you can or have more knowledge about the sites and the local culture, customs and history.

Choice of destination

Travelling starts from the moment the destination is decided. This year’s destinations were decided very late, with the trip leaving on 20 July, but not until 7 June, much later than in previous years.

The places I have not visited are still on my list for future trips, such as Egypt, Israel, Northern Europe, the Baltic States, the Balkans, Greece, Turkey, South America, Africa, Mexico and, for 007, Antarctica.

The most important thing is the purpose of the trip

Although there will be regrets throughout the trip, after only a week back, all that remains is missing and nostalgia.

Although we say that we should never travel on a punch card again, it is inevitable that we may still hit those unvisited destinations on our itineraries.

The purpose of travel is to make a break from real life, to see and experience another possibility.


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