North America

Recommended places to visit in Houston, America’s diverse metropolis

Although I only visited the Houston Space Center yesterday, I was very impressed with the place and the feeling of being in space was still fresh in my mind.

It’s a new day and I’m in a good mood after pulling back the curtains to find the sun is shining. But I’m not just happy because it’s a nice day, I’m happy because my friend who studied in Chicago is now in Houston and she’s here to finish her homework, but has promised to spend the day with me, so I’m happy!

While I was looking at where to go today, my friend arrived. She told me that Houston’s art museums are usually very crowded and admission is not expensive, but it’s Thursday and the venue is free, so why don’t we go and check it out.

So we made the museum our first goal for the day, and then we thought that since it was such a nice day, we should go to Herman Park for a picnic. And since the museum is in Hermann Park, it’s much easier to get there without having to go back to the car.

So let’s start the day with a trip to Houston.

I. The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, one of the largest art museums in the United States

The Houston Museum of Fine Arts is probably the oldest art museum in Texas and has a large collection of artworks, which makes it a popular destination for art lovers, and we are certainly one of them.

We had planned to go earlier, but when we looked it up online, it opens at 10am and closes at 5pm, although it is open longer on Thursdays, closing at 9pm.

At 10am, we took the 56 bus to the Montrose Blvd @ Bissonnet St stop, which wasn’t very far, so it took about half an hour.

The museum is really big and has two exhibition floors. It has a collection of beautiful paintings and sculptures, especially European and Central American works, and there are more than 50,000 pieces on display. You can really feel the art and the beauty that art brings to us here.

When it was time for lunch, my friend recommended a nearby Japanese restaurant, which she had eaten at the last time she was in Houston and was very good. The name of the restaurant is Uchi and the owner is Japanese. As soon as I walked into the restaurant, the Japanese style of decoration was very comfortable to look at. I ordered the ham and egg sushi that my friend recommended to me, which is a sushi made with panko wrapped in bean skin and then fried. It was the first time I had this kind of sushi, and it was surprisingly good!

Herman Park, one of the most beautiful parks in Houston

After we ate, we started to prepare what we needed for our afternoon picnic. We bought some small snacks and cakes from a nearby supermarket, and some things from a deli. Once everything was ready, we went into the park and started looking for a good place to have our picnic.

Hermann Park is really beautiful, with lots of trees, lush greenery and the colour of life everywhere. There are also plenty of shady walking paths, which will make for a very pleasant walk. Hermann Park is arguably the most beautiful part of Houston, with its lush forests and flowers in full bloom. The beautiful lake and the lifelike statue of Mr Houston will also make our hearts soar.

Walking to the northeast corner of the park, we found a lush green meadow and there were so many people having a picnic there that we set our picnic spot there too. Sitting on the picnic mat, looking at the lush greenery and the blue sky in front of us, we were really at ease. I really want to say that it wasn’t the food that fed us, but the beauty in front of us.


I’d like to say it was a great day with friends and I’ll be on my own again tomorrow. …… But it’s still very rewarding to share my tips with you.


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