
Corfu: a Greek harbour town

“It’s a very Greek day” is a phrase you can only chew on once you’ve actually been here, with the sweet, salty taste of the sea breeze coming back to haunt you. Perhaps you realise that Greece is really made up of blue and white. Look at the flags floating in the wind on the quay and you can see that blue and white are what make up the country of Greece. You seem to realise that there is not just one blue under the sky, but many blues, the blue-white of the sky, the greenish blue of the light sea, the indigo blue between the light and the deep sea, the deep blue of the deep sea and the almost black blue.

Corfu: a Greek harbour town. About 3.5 km from the port, a 10-minute bus/taxi ride to Old Town, a town that has long been occupied by Venice, France and England. The most striking thing about this town is the way people hang their clothes (kantounia) on the walls and in the air, similar to the way clothes are hung in Shanghai.

The old fortress is on the east side of town, built on a stone peninsula, and another new fortress (at SaintMark) was also built as a defence against foreign invaders and pirates. The stone is very hard and the surface of the tunnels has been worn smooth and shiny over time. You have to be careful going up and down the slopes so that you don’t slip and fall if you accidentally catch your foot.

Spanada Square is the island’s main square, as well as a tourist and conference centre. Built in the style of a European royal garden, it is the largest square in all the Balkans.

The Listonpromenade is the city’s landmark, where the aristocracy often enjoys the twilight. The Linston, a Venetian term for a building that symbolised ownership in the Veneto cities and the old Venetian Republic, is usually located in a square, or part of a square, and is used to pave the marble streets. The word ElLinston means ‘walking in the square’.

Several cities in Venice have promenades (Liston), from St Mark’s Square in Venice there is the Marco Promenade and the Todara Promenade. At the western end of Verona is the Piazza Bra promenade, and the Belluno promenade is located in Martyrs’ Square (also known as the “Campedel”). In Rovigo, the promenade is located in the middle of Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II. In Trieste, with its strong Venetian cultural ties, the promenade is called CorsoItalia.

Due to time constraints, it was not possible to visit the St. Micheal & George Palace, located in the south of Spianáda, founded between 1814 and 24 when the British ruling class …..

In addition to the town tour, optional excursions to the nearby seaside are available on your own. This includes GlyfadaBeach, where you will see people enjoying swimming and frolicking in the sea as you look down the streets of the town, which is built on a hill.

At the café, Dad was surprised to be pinched behind him by a foreign girl who mistook him for her lover when he went to the bathroom, and had a good laugh at the strange experience he gave us when he was washing his hands. When a group came to sell their art, he kept taking pictures with his mobile phone, despite his sister’s advice, and the leader of the group “bit” him: Sinyora? It was only with a few coins from his sister that the band was sent away. My sister said that you should not take pictures abroad.

After four hours on shore and a good meal, we headed to Deck13 for a game of ping pong. Looking forward to tomorrow’s trip to Santorini.


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