
Heard you’re going on a trip to Europe? I can only help you here.

European silver brain hole is too big, right, all kinds of strange customs in various countries, and even some of them are also written into the law, and most of them are developed countries like Britain, France, Italy and Switzerland. So, if you want to travel to Europe, to do your homework in advance, or it is easy to somehow violate the taboo laws, accidentally into the, it is very embarrassing ah!

1, the entire European common law

Europe’s cigarette case is all a shape, square parallel hexahedron. According to European law, if you produce oval or other shapes of cigarette boxes, will be sentenced to life imprisonment! And it is also stipulated that the cigarette case must contain 20 cigarettes when it is sold.

Compulsive disorder is not so play ah!

2, Britain

① Forbidden to kiss goodbye at the station. This provision was first implemented in France in 1910, it is said, because there are too many couples grumbling, causing a lot of train accidents, so difficult to part with the level of not go. Some train stations, not only have a “no kissing” notice, but also thoughtfully set up a “kiss goodbye area” nearby.

②It is forbidden to catch whales off the British coast, even dead whales, because they have always belonged to the king’s property, born as the king’s whale and died as the king’s ghost.

③ The ban on importing potatoes, with the aim of not allowing a single Polish potato to reach British soil, has been in effect since 2004. I don’t know why, but it’s a fact that Poles are discriminated against by the UK, but Polish potatoes say they are lying.

④ Forbid civilian dogs to mate with dogs of royal blood, even the dogs have class discrimination?

3, France

① French railroad company SNCF regulations, will be alive snails on high-speed trains is illegal, unless these little guys have a ticket. Any other small animal under 5 kg is charged according to a head, and people and animals are really equal on high-speed trains.

② The law states that if the private lives of children are made public without consent, they can face a fine of up to 45,000 euros and a year in jail. See when the diary can also compensate ah!

③ If you are burglarized or robbed in the street, you can go and catch him. However, if the process has caused harm to him, then you may be subject to a higher sentence than the thief or robber. Italy also has similar provisions. Can’t hurt each other anymore?

④The visionary pioneers of Chateauneuf-du-Pape (Chateauneuf-du-Pape), a small town in southern France, passed a local ordinance in 1954: UFOs were forbidden to pass by or land in the city. I don’t know if others can read it, it’s really sad!


In Moscow, it is forbidden to drive a dirty car on the road, otherwise you will be fined, but the amount of the fine is negotiable, the definition of dirty is still debatable. Moscow newspapers have also done a survey, the results of half of the people think that the car dirty can not see the license plate is considered dirty, but there are 9% of the war brothers and sisters think, from the windshield can not see the driver’s face to be considered dirty. So, the look in the picture above, no pressure at all well.


① Danish law provides that it is not illegal for prisoners to escape from prison. In the high welfare areas of northern Europe, prison is like a vacation. The prison will be arranged for each person to work, the pay is not low! Oops, what’s with the desire to go to prison?

② In Denmark, you can refuse to pay for a meal in a restaurant unless you think the meal you ordered is filling. What is this operation?

6.In Sweden, off-duty police are civilians and have no law enforcement powers. For example, as a police officer, you are heroically chasing a thief, blocking him to the dead end, just to put on the handcuffs when it’s time to leave work, you have to hook up with him out of the alley, really separate work and life it.


① Spanish girls have to wear earrings on the street, otherwise, it’s like going out without clothes and being laughed at, well, do you have to get your ears pierced since you were a kid?

② Don’t arrive early to a party in Spain. It is considered not to give the host enough time to prepare, this is a naked provocation ah! Don’t think you can help by arriving early, they don’t need it!


In Switzerland, it is illegal to flush the toilet after 10 p.m. in apartment buildings. The local government believes that noise pollution is more harmful to society than smell pollution, after all, noise will affect others, stink will only stink you one. So, in Switzerland, if you want to poo at 10 p.m., there are only two choices: or poo in the overflowing smell of sleep, or, hold it.

9, Italy

Milan’s law requires people to smile at all times (except for funerals and hospital visits). So, when you go to Milan and see a handsome man or a beautiful woman smiling at you, don’t be a nymphomaniac. People are also quite compelled, this is a fake smile country, right?


In Amsterdam, all public places are not allowed to smoke, otherwise you will be caught in the bureau. However, it is legal to smoke marijuana!


① No business during lunch break, if reported, will be heavily fined. Now bankrupt, because they do not work hard, right?

②Visiting historical sites, it is forbidden to wear high heels, so as not to cause damage to these ancient buildings. Uh… Okay.


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