
Europe Travel Postscript

After 11 days of European travel my visual senses have not come out of that scene of the art of the gods left memories!

The rainy night in Paris drenched the melancholy of homesickness, 11 days of travel makes people tired, the moment the feathers landed mood like a long-ago deceased, sleepless nights, thinking back to the long trip in September a glimpse of the Western Church Da Vinci’s paintings of awe! Michelangelo superb statue pathos realistic! No matter where you go, the advanced civilization of the environment and humanism everywhere does not let you feel a lot of emotions.

The literature and art of Paris is like a glass of red wine in paradise. The history of Rome’s ancient civilization has been settled after the fine aftertaste! The humanistic atmosphere of the Renaissance permeates everywhere. The melodies of Vienna, the “capital of music”, flow in every street and clear space as if they were beautiful notes. Switzerland is a rich and sophisticated modern country, and it would be a comfortable and pleasant experience to live there.

(a) The most memorable place for me was Paris, France, where I revisited the history of Europe and the medieval culture of the Renaissance, which is rational and sensual, but also fierce and easy-going.

From the casual old man drinking coffee on the roadside to the fashionable woman in the “Old Master” store who flaunts “Paris Spring”, there are people who have lived a glorious life because of Paris, and some who are depressed because of Paris. The Champs-Élysées glows in the clear sky, the three-dimensional statues on the square are poignant and poignant, the fragrance is strong and clear.

Paris is a city of palettes and canvases, its beauty is the history and accumulation of precipitation, and never ceases to perform in the space of the history of the inexhaustible story of entanglement.

From a thousand years of history to a modern way of life, it is like a book and a glass of wine, a hometown for foreigners, a place where the poet Ernest Hemingway boarded after several years of poverty, and at the same time, the birthplace of his creative inspiration.

From the Seine “left bank” to the “right bank” everywhere is the pursuit of culture and art, it is not the most beautiful, but the most interesting, because the appreciation and taste of this ancient city is to let you stay in the waves of history for a long time can not stop.

The Louvre is the history of France and Paris, ancient and vicissitudes; the Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris, conservative and warm; the Arc de Triomphe is solemn, great and sacred; Notre-Dame de Paris is quiet, proud and capricious.

The glass pyramids designed by a Chinese designer, Pérezin, are enchanted by the sunshine of the city, which was once the home of artists, and where even the autumn breeze is full of literary romance, be it Stendhal’s Red and Black in the 19th century, Flaubert’s The Lamb’s Nest, or Maupassant’s The Necklace. The city of Paris is a place where you can see these famous characters come to life.

When I saw the majestic architecture of Notre Dame, I could not help but think of the sequel to Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables, and Zola’s The Sprout once again brought to mind the ups and downs of the Revolution during the Bastille riots! As Balzac Dumas and some other critical realist writers once again recalled. Everything cannot be traversed, but leaves a precipitation and mellow.

(B) Austria was once in World War I and World War II by the British, French and German former Soviet Union divided into small countries, until 1955 declared independence! But this does not forget that the mecca of Vienna’s musical capital was born Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Johann Strauss, and Beethoven, who was born in Germany but lived in Austria for a long time, Haydn and other musicians of a generation of fame to make future generations proud and confident!

(3) “All roads lead to Rome” is known to the world, but I think it is not only the end of the geographical road. It is the farthest end of the spiritual pursuit, the mysterious ancient city that every young man aspires to and explores, and Italy has been the exclusive charm of Rome since ancient times.

The Italian landscape is rich in monuments, from ancient Rome to the present day, and the works of art of the “Three Masters of Literature and Art” are astonishing! The Roman statues are solemn and realistic, showing the real-life personality of the human body in a very distinctive and perfect way, the churches have a long history of architecture and religious culture, and the cities and towns have a pleasant landscape.

The streets of Rome are not wide, and the buildings on both sides seem to have undergone a thousand years of baptism and are mottled, from the crumbling walls of the Colosseum to the unpleasant bullet holes of the Pantheon, from the centuries-old statues to the fountains of the squares, the Romans are enchanted by the obsolescence of the city, the mottled colors on the walls have their own ancient flavor, and each granite tile can evoke a lot of dusty past, as if one great influence after another. flickering on the screen of the mind.

Especially the “Plaza de España” where Byron, Balzac, Goethe and other masters lived, the rich cultural atmosphere in the air, the ancient Roman architecture can be preserved, is the accumulation of a long history and precipitation. Each city has its own origin, but no matter what Rome is mysterious and profound.

In addition to the depth of Rome, Italy’s other cities and towns still let people linger, Florence town of vacation scenery dazzling; water and sky reflect the castle, the Wizard of Oz secluded harbor, water birds gathered singing endlessly, the ship sunset people leisure. The ancient location of the water city of Venice that is to feel the hard work and bravery of the Italians, but also for the water city continues to sink the city worried, but insist on a century of Venetian merchants are still building its trade center and transportation waterways and labor and income generation.

Undoubtedly telling the world a long historical cycle, and the legend of creating miracles …….

In my short travel and sightseeing, from the field observation of vision and insight, I felt the civilization of Europe, environmental awareness of social morality, humane service everywhere in the education and quality of people, their humane taste in the people who do not know each other, respect to help people who do not know, warm smile in the surrounding people, I think this is the spiritual civilization of developed countries!

I think this is the spiritual civilization of the developed countries! The four European countries’ protection of ancient cultural sites and the care of natural resources put the nation to shame!

A glimpse of the cultural history of the Renaissance period in the Middle Ages in Europe, looking back at the modern history of China, is the nightmare of the Eight-Power Allied Forces in Beijing, which was the beginning of a history of humiliation and disgrace to the country. I do not know from which generation, the national people no matter where you go there are unspeakable humility, not how many euros in your pocket, but in the eyes of Westerners, from the lack of fruit in the buffet, from the Old Forte Mall tax refund in the sweaty queue, I went abroad to feel appreciate the beautiful scenery of foreign countries, the psychological gap is speechless ……

Since the late Qing Dynasty, the people of China have coincidentally gone to Europe and the United States to study, to learn there the humanistic idea of freedom, equality and fraternity, to learn there the culture of religious salvation, to learn there the advancement of science and technology, whether it is education medicine or architecture art music, the West respects the talent cultivation of talent university education way far ahead of us a century! It has been proven that the top universities in Europe and the United States from the last century to this have really trained many outstanding and outstanding Chinese talents, because they are the birthplace of advancement and civilization.

The natural landscape of the four European countries compared to the vast territory of China that is a small river compared to the sea, our country regardless of which province are unique scenery, the soundtrack abounds, especially Xinjiang Tibet where the landscape is the Alps Danube incomparable! But a small stream in Europe everyone knows to cherish and love, while our environmental awareness can not be compared with Europe, this is the ideology of developing countries, it is not materialistic born spiritual civilization, it is after centuries of material accumulation of cultural precipitation economic development spiritual pursuit to enhance a highly civilized society.


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