North Atlantic

If you want to travel to Iceland, you can’t do it without reading the tips of experienced players!


A small island far from the mainland, with the colourful impact of ice and fire, the beautiful and magical Aurora Borealis, the purest air and water in the world, and the best hot springs. A mysterious and seemingly untouched country, so close to people and nature, a tourist mecca for tourists! So, I found some free time, saved up a little bit of money, and started my trip to Iceland with my bag and camera on my back!

1 Iceland knowledge post

(1) Basic information: Iceland is located at the confluence of the North Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean, one of the five Nordic countries. 85.4% of Iceland’s population is of the Lutheran Christian faith. Icelanders are friendly to foreigners and their food habits are similar to those of mainland Europe. Large hotels and restaurants cook in the same way as in Europe, with Western cuisine predominating.

(2) Geographical information: Iceland is located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, at a high latitude, controlled by the North Atlantic warm current and the westerly wind belt, forming a special temperate maritime climate. Although located near the Arctic Circle, the temperature is not low in winter, averaging – minus 2°C. Summer temperatures range between 7 and 20°C across the island. Whatever the season, there is always the possibility of rain and snow.

(3) Best time to visit: June – September, January – March. from June to the end of August Iceland experiences polar daylight, with almost no night, allowing for tent camping activities and easy night driving. From January to March is a great time to see the aurora borealis, ice skating and ice fishing, and to try exciting activities such as snowmobiling and off-road hunting.

3 Group recommendations

For those who prefer to travel on their own, it is important to choose a reliable travel company to arrange your trip before you leave. On the one hand, you can save time for things like visas and insurance, and on the other hand, you can be prepared with a certain knowledge base for places and projects. The most important thing in free travel is safety and reliability, service and experience when playing, relatively speaking, the higher the cost performance under safety and security is of course what we all want.

In the past, I was most impressed with Iceland, the ice and fire, the spirituality and magnificence, the magic and mystery, the thrill and shock, it is really a memory of a lifetime. There are many companies doing outbound tours in China at the moment, so it is advisable to compare them when choosing. Large companies may not be able to serve everyone, and small companies may not necessarily have incomplete products. The corresponding companies specializing in directional overseas, such as Iceland, Turkey, Dubai tour more worthy of the choice, I personally often like to search on Taobao, found that oxygen travel provides the project and price are very OK.

4 Visa insurance and other preparations

Generally speaking, you decide to go to Iceland to play, it is best to prepare 3 months in advance, because Iceland is a Schengen country, so free travel for the visa to prepare early.

5 Preparation of daily necessities

Toiletries: European hotels often do not have disposable items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste and slippers for environmental reasons, so it is best to bring your own.

Charging equipment: the power supply in Europe is 220 volts, the sockets are round holes, bring your own charger and other electrical appliances, to bring your own conversion socket.

Mobile phone network: carry mobile phones abroad need to go to the local telecommunications bureau before departure to open the international function procedures, while if there is an international portable WIFI is also recommended to buy one, in order to facilitate the use of the network and free of charge. Most of the time when you sign up for an activity programme with a travel company, you will be given free WiFi on board.

Take medicine with you: As you must have a doctor’s prescription to buy medicine in European pharmacies and medical fees are expensive, it is advisable to take commonly used medicine (cold and flu medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, band-aids, etc.) with you in case you need it.

Currency exchange: Be sure to exchange some Euros in advance and take some small Euro notes with you to exchange for Icelandic kroner locally.

For photography: If you are taking a film, digital or SLR camera, it is best to choose ISO 400 for film, alkaline or rechargeable batteries, and enough memory cards.

6 Accommodation and safety

Wherever you go, be sure to keep your passport, tickets, money and valuables close to you. Keeping valuables with you when leaving excursion buses, hotels and restaurants are all basic self-safety measures.

Of course when you get to Iceland, there will be spas, boat trips, horseback riding, glacier hikes and some self-drive tours around the island, which are relatively densely populated and relatively safe.

End Notes

As someone who loves to travel and enjoys the excitement and depth of thought that travel brings me, I plan to organise a photography team to go back to Iceland next year and take photos of different subjects. If you are also interested in travelling and you want to go to Iceland, why not join our team?

Across the world, we are willing to be discoverers and documenters of natural beauty.

About Iceland, about this visual feast of ice and fire, see for yourself and feel the most real!


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