
Five Countries in Eastern Europe in Prague

At a little after 3:00 in the morning, I woke up from a comfortable sleep, either because of the tram passing outside my window or because I had to pee.

I walked to the window and with the light from the street, I saw a tram driver with an iron bar, fiddling with the tram tracks. The windows of the hotel were all double-paned. I opened the window and a biting cold wind blew in, and I hurriedly closed it again. It was already summer and the latitude of Prague should be about the same as Beijing, so I couldn’t understand why it was so cold in the morning in Prague.

After going to the bathroom, I habitually opened my WeChat to see the group WeChat of our overseas tour, and I didn’t expect the group to be more lively. Some group members complained to the guide in the group that the room door was too difficult to open, the bathroom shower head was faulty, some said the sink leaked poorly, but more complained about the trams on the street, which never stopped and kept them awake all night.

According to the itinerary, we were supposed to stay in the outskirts of Prague yesterday, and because of some miscommunication between the tour company and the hotel during the handover, we waited for about an hour in the hotel lobby and finally had to change to this hotel. The guide was gentle and loving, she was embarrassed to make us wait so long, so she ordered beer and drinks for us to drink. We didn’t blame her for this, but I was happy to have a beer to drink.

Czech beer is the most famous in the world, and from the point of view of the history of brewing beer, Czech beer should be number one in the world. I love drinking beer, especially good beer. I floated a big glass of it and was in a great mood. No, I took a shower last night and slept until now, I really didn’t expect so many things to happen.

Before coming to Prague the guide told us that Prague is the only city in the world designated by international organizations as a city-wide protection of heritage. Because there is very little impact from the war, the vast majority of houses in the city have a history of more than two or three hundred years, the hotel we are now staying in should be more than three or four hundred years. It is strange that such an old hotel does not have problems, and I think it is justifiable. From an economic point of view, the Czech economy is definitely not as good as that of Germany and Austria, so the conditions of the hotels are, accordingly, a bit worse.

Prague had a glorious period in its history when the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV built the capital in Prague in the second half of the 9th century. In the middle of the 17th century, Prague was occupied by foreigners and its economy began to decline.

Prague was the capital of Czechoslovakia until 1993, when Czechoslovakia followed the Soviet Union in its socialist economic operations. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia was divided into two countries and Prague became the capital of the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is a European Union country, but it is economically backward compared to other capitalist countries, however, Prague has always been a historical and cultural center of Europe.

Although Prague is the oldest historical and cultural city in all of Europe and the world, and is a sought-after tourist city for people all over the world, tourists don’t go outside in the middle of the night to see the sights! Why did the tram not stop all night? I looked out of the window at the cold street, at the tram drivers who were still busy in the cold, and at the empty tram cars, and I really had a puzzling feeling.

In the morning, I visited three projects in Prague: Prague Castle, Old Town Square, and Charles Bridge. Prague Castle should be said to be a miracle in the history of European architecture, and arguably in the history of world architecture. Its majesty is not as great as the palaces of France, Germany and Russia, but it was built over a span of more than a thousand years, which is a miracle in itself.

Like many other major European cities, Prague has many squares, all of which can be called Prague Square. Many film fans and stargazers in China dream of seeing Prague Square, which is called Old Town Square in Prague. Old Town Square is very lively, the center of the square there is a Christian cathedral, the church is very famous in Europe, the church has two large clock, the top one each turn represents a day, the bottom one each turn represents a year. On top of the bells are two small rectangular wooden windows in a flat row, and every hour when the hour is chimed, the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ will appear in the two small wooden doors, and six in one small wooden door, which is a delicate design unique in the Christian churches all over the world.

The Old Town Square gathers a variety of people, with Western performance art being most prominent here. The square is crowded, but not noisy. Whenever it is time for the church to ring the bell at the full hour, people immediately gather under the big bell and quietly wait for the bell to ring and the disciples of Jesus Christ to appear.

Charles Bridge is also a miracle in the history of European architecture, and at that time it was supposed to be the longest and most majestic bridge in Europe. Now the bridge deck has become the liveliest place in Prague, just like our busy pedestrian street in the mainland. There are many painters on the bridge painting and selling their paintings on site, as well as many music groups playing and a variety of craft vendors. The bridge is filled with tourists from all over the world as well as the local leisure people in Prague, bustling with people coming and going in a lively scene.

In Europe, no matter which city I visit, I see this kind of scene, people are living so leisurely and moody.

Come to Europe to visit the tour, the guide took us to take the trip is basically a set, the main purpose is four words: “Palace, castle, base, Ding.” The name sounds like a typical domestic Sichuan cuisine dish name one by one Kung Pao chicken, that is, fried chicken diced with peanuts. Of course this name is not my idea, I do not have the ability, this is the guide and senior tourists summed up. What does it mean? Palace is the palace, is the emperor live in the palace, the fortress is the meaning of the castle, the base is the Christian church, Ding represents the government, is the location of government offices.

Said these four words, I believe that the tourists who have traveled in Europe will agree. Visit the palace needless to say, that is a must see on every visit. Christianity is the faith of the majority of European people, and people must go to the Christian church for worship every Sunday. There are several types of Christianity, including Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity and some smaller denominations, but their beliefs are all centered on Jesus Christ, based on the Bible, and the core idea is the Gospel, the salvation of God Jesus Christ. With different denominations, there are differences in the ideology of the faith, so the architectural patterns of the churches are different.

It is not only the architecture of the castle, but also the history of the city. In the castle, you can judge the economic development of the country from the life of the castle owner at that time, and the fate of the castle owner is the history of the rise and fall of the country. For example, in Prague Castle, which we visited today, you can see how prosperous the dynasty was at that time.

Today’s European countries are basically democracies, and government offices are not as grand as our national government institutions. From the nearly 20 European countries I visited, most of their presidential palaces and city halls are located in old castles or old buildings next to churches, and if not introduced by the tour guide, you basically can’t see any difference with the civilian buildings. The Czech presidential palace is located in the Prague castle, and the presidential palace and the city hall are both relatively private, so if you don’t identify them or pay special attention to them, you won’t see any difference between government officials and ordinary people.

Walking in the European continent, you only need to grasp the four words “Palace, Castle, Foundation, Ding”, in the visit to understand it, comprehend it, then, the country’s history, economy, politics, humanities, people’s livelihood, etc. will be in your grasp. Walk in the road, understanding in it, and only then, your trip will reflect the meaning. If not, travel to a country just take pictures to send friends, after returning home, in addition to living abroad, or show off a show of shopping war, the other three do not know …… If this result, careful retrospective thinking, is not a little sad?

I am in such a mood, every place I go ask myself whether there is something to gain, there, the mood will feel happy. At this moment, I am organizing my mind, ready to go to the next destination one by one Krumlov town


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